Zitat des Monats

"Es ist die einzige sinnvoll Möglichkeit ", beharrte Carlisle." Du hast dich dafür entschieden, nicht ohne sie zu leben, daher bleibt mir keine Wahl."
Bis(s) zur Mittagsstunde S. 530

Freitag, 5. März 2010

IESB Exclusive Interview: Chris Weitz Looks Back at The Twilight Saga: New Moon

director Chris Weitz took a few minutes to talk to IESB about his experience making the second film in the Twilight Saga, reflect on working with the film’s stars, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, and his plans for the future.

IESB: In doing the commentary for the New Moon DVD, was there anything that you realized you regretted having to cut, or did the final cut of the film meet all of your expectations?

Chris: I was very satisfied with the final cut of the film, personally. It was what I had set out to do.

IESB: Were there any specific parts of the film that you were most looking forward to talking about for the commentary?

Chris: I was very happy to talk about some of the more complicated shots that we did, like the roundy-round shot. That was a bit in which we took what was a series of chapter headings in the book and turned it into a motion-control shot in which the seasons passed as Kristen Stewart’s character, Bella, remained in the same place. What I like to do with CG is to use it as expressively as possible, and not to make things blow up good, but to sometimes render something ineffable that would be very difficult to do in camera. That involved a lot of work, in which a motion-control camera captured the movement of our steady-cam operator. So, it was a pleasure to talk about that, and about what goes into something like that.

das ganze interviewfindet ihr hier bei twilightbritneyfan

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