Zitat des Monats

"Es ist die einzige sinnvoll Möglichkeit ", beharrte Carlisle." Du hast dich dafür entschieden, nicht ohne sie zu leben, daher bleibt mir keine Wahl."
Bis(s) zur Mittagsstunde S. 530

Samstag, 6. März 2010

Chris Weitz Talks About Robert Pattinson and Why Rob, Kristen and Taylor Aren’t on the Commentary

IESB: Is there a spe­cific rea­son why you didn’t include any com­men­tary from Kris­ten, Rob and Tay­lor on the DVD? Were they just not available?

Chris: I just didn’t want them to say any­thing bad about me. No. It was actu­ally hap­pen­stance. These things are sched­uled dur­ing the whole press bonanza that you’re doing and, on that par­tic­u­lar day, every­one was in motion between one screen­ing and the next, and I hap­pened to be the only piece of the puz­zle, as well as Peter Lam­bert, who was in Lon­don, that was avail­able. Now, I’m sure there will be some­thing on the Inter­net about some kind of scan­dal where we don’t like each other, or some­thing. That will be inter­est­ing. I’ll have to check Twit­ter for that. But, it was really a much more bor­ing rea­son than that.

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