Zitat des Monats

"Es ist die einzige sinnvoll Möglichkeit ", beharrte Carlisle." Du hast dich dafür entschieden, nicht ohne sie zu leben, daher bleibt mir keine Wahl."
Bis(s) zur Mittagsstunde S. 530

Samstag, 31. Juli 2010

Kellan Lutz Shopping & Fotos mit den Fans in West Hollywood

43083, WEST  HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Thursday July 29, 2010. Kellan Lutz takes  photographs with a couple of fans as he walks back to his car after  shopping in West Hollywood. Kellan, who at one point was carrying a  couple rather large shopping bags, wore a plaid shirt and ripped blue  jeans. Photograph:  PacificCoastNews.com
43083, WEST  HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Thursday July 29, 2010. Kellan Lutz takes  photographs with a couple of fans as he walks back to his car after  shopping in West Hollywood. Kellan, who at one point was carrying a  couple rather large shopping bags, wore a plaid shirt and ripped blue  jeans. Photograph:  PacificCoastNews.com

quelle: biss4fans.blogspot.com

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