Zitat des Monats

"Es ist die einzige sinnvoll Möglichkeit ", beharrte Carlisle." Du hast dich dafür entschieden, nicht ohne sie zu leben, daher bleibt mir keine Wahl."
Bis(s) zur Mittagsstunde S. 530

Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2010

Interview von Nikki Reed mit Saturday Night Mag

SNMag: What can you tell us about the new movie, Eclipse?
Nikki Reed: It’s full of action, as you can see from the trailers. You really get a glimpse at what it was like for us before we were vampires and how we made the journey. It’s a lot more visually intense.

SNMag: What was the coolest stunt you got to do yourself?
NR: Running on steep 30 foot treadmills with harnesses on and jumping while running at 10.0 on the treadmill and ducking through branches and being on the back of tow trucks, being pulled at 100 miles an hour.

NMag: We get to learn a bit more about Rosalie’s back story in Eclipse. What is like playing a character that is said to be so incredibly beautiful?
NR: It opened up all these questions about what beauty is. It really stressed me out for a long time. It made me more aware of my insecurity. I eventually had to just be ok with what it is — that is that everyone’s beautiful and we’re all beautiful in a different way. There’s no single person on the planet, not Monica Bellucci or Adriana Lima, that is universally the most beautiful person.

SNMag: What do you think about the Rob Pattinson craze?
NR: I get it. Rob is a totally fascinating, amazing, wonderful guy. I get why all these girls are so in love with him. He’s super intelligent, mysterious, musical and intellectual. I get it.

Das ganze Interview findet ihr hier

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